Fri Aug 2 22:18:19 CEST 2024
scenario: sekr_UM

'night' <--> DayTime=checked , NightTime=checked
-> execution of scenario
-> sending email(s) to 'null'

scenario: 'Sekretär Licht UM-schalten' - 'sekr_UM' - 'sekr_um'

Licht Sekretär (/srv/www/viehai/shelly/log_scenarios/2024/08/02/_0.log)

vorher: 22:18:19.765
  "ison": false,
  "has_timer": false,
  "timer_started": 0,
  "timer_duration": 0,
  "timer_remaining": 0,
  "source": "http"

nachher: 22:18:19.792
Dauer: 27 msec phName: 'shelly-10:'WZ Bücherregal''

scenario: 'Sekretär Licht UM-schalten' - 'sekr_UM' - 'sekr_um'

urls : 1
vorher : 22:18:19.739
nachher: 22:18:19.799
Dauer : 59 msec
outfile: '/srv/www/viehai/shelly/log_scenarios/2024/08/02//scene_sekr_UM_20240802_221819.txt'


Aug  2 22:15:00 srv4hai smartd[27489]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from 45 to 46
Aug  2 22:15:01 srv4hai CRON[5237]: (root) CMD (/etc/linetest/
Aug  2 22:15:19 srv4hai dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=5253, secured, session=
Aug  2 22:15:19 srv4hai dovecot: imap(miglincit)<5253>: Logged out in=137 out=1088 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0
Aug  2 22:16:00 srv4hai ping_SP[27707]: SHELLY (1) - ping 1 sucessfully  @~1722629760 - 'ping_SP_1'
Aug  2 22:16:00 srv4hai ping_SP[27707]: SHELLY (1) - ping pCnt:'1'
Aug  2 22:16:01 srv4hai CRON[5282]: (root) CMD (/etc/linetest/
Aug  2 22:17:01 srv4hai CRON[5299]: (root) CMD (/etc/linetest/
Aug  2 22:17:01 srv4hai CRON[5300]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Aug  2 22:17:04 srv4hai ping_SP[27707]: SHELLY (1) - ping 1 sucessfully  @~1722629823 - 'ping_SP_1'
Aug  2 22:17:04 srv4hai ping_SP[27707]: SHELLY (1) - ping pCnt:'1'
Aug  2 22:17:11 srv4hai postfix/anvil[5178]: statistics: max connection rate 1/60s for (smtp: at Aug  2 22:13:47
Aug  2 22:17:11 srv4hai postfix/anvil[5178]: statistics: max connection count 1 for (smtp: at Aug  2 22:13:47
Aug  2 22:17:11 srv4hai postfix/anvil[5178]: statistics: max cache size 2 at Aug  2 22:13:47
Aug  2 22:17:49 srv4hai fetchmail[1651]: 7 messages (7 seen) for rozmig at (1753652 octets).
Aug  2 22:17:50 srv4hai fetchmail[1651]: 49959 messages (49958 seen) for tmiglinci at (-167205505 octets).
Aug  2 22:17:50 srv4hai postfix/smtpd[5329]: warning: database /etc/aliases.db is older than source file /etc/aliases
Aug  2 22:17:50 srv4hai postfix/smtpd[5329]: connect from localhost[]
Aug  2 22:17:50 srv4hai postfix/smtpd[5329]: 0D74B60189: client=localhost[]
Aug  2 22:17:50 srv4hai postfix/cleanup[5332]: 0D74B60189: message-id=<>
Aug  2 22:17:50 srv4hai fetchmail[1651]: reading message of 49959 (10707 octets) not flushed
Aug  2 22:17:50 srv4hai postfix/qmgr[8566]: 0D74B60189: from=, size=10933, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Aug  2 22:17:50 srv4hai postfix/local[5333]: warning: database /etc/aliases.db is older than source file /etc/aliases
Aug  2 22:17:50 srv4hai postfix/smtpd[5329]: disconnect from localhost[] ehlo=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 quit=1 commands=5
Aug  2 22:17:50 srv4hai postfix/local[5333]: 0D74B60189: to=, relay=local, delay=0.07, delays=0.05/0.01/0/0.01, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to command: /bin/procmail)
Aug  2 22:17:50 srv4hai postfix/qmgr[8566]: 0D74B60189: removed
Aug  2 22:17:50 srv4hai fetchmail[1651]: 10540 messages (10540 seen) for srozum at (1267104397 octets).
Aug  2 22:17:51 srv4hai fetchmail[1651]: 25101 messages (25101 seen) for mrozum at (83895220 octets).
Aug  2 22:17:51 srv4hai fetchmail[1651]: 1139 messages (1139 seen) for at (51570784 octets).
Aug  2 22:18:01 srv4hai CRON[5339]: (root) CMD (/etc/linetest/
Aug  2 22:18:07 srv4hai ping_SP[27707]: SHELLY (1) - ping 1 sucessfully  @~1722629887 - 'ping_SP_1'
Aug  2 22:18:07 srv4hai ping_SP[27707]: SHELLY (1) - ping pCnt:'1'
Aug  2 22:18:19 srv4hai dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=5368, secured, session=
Aug  2 22:18:19 srv4hai dovecot: imap(miglincit)<5368>: Logged out in=681 out=54162 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=58 hdr_bytes=25931 body_count=0 body_bytes=0
Aug  2 22:18:19 srv4hai activate_scenario[5370]: SHELLY scenario: 'sekr_UM(sekr_um)' started
Aug  2 22:18:19 srv4hai activate_scenario[5370]: SHELLY dayState='night' <--> DayTime=checked NightTime=checked - shelly-10:'WZ Bücherregal'
