Sat Aug 3 18:38:20 CEST 2024
scenario: buero_UM

'day' <--> DayTime=checked , NightTime=checked
-> execution of scenario
-> sending email(s) to 'null'

scenario: 'Büro UM-schalten' - 'buero_UM' - 'buero_um'

Thomas Büro Regallicht (/srv/www/viehai/shelly/log_scenarios/2024/08/03/_0.log)

vorher: 18:38:20.776
  "ison": true,
  "has_timer": false,
  "timer_started": 0,
  "timer_duration": 0,
  "timer_remaining": 0,
  "source": "http"

nachher: 18:38:20.836
Dauer: 61 msec phName: 'shelly-40:'Thomas Büro Licht''

Thomas Büro Licht (/srv/www/viehai/shelly/log_scenarios/2024/08/03/_1.log)

vorher: 18:38:20.789
  "ison": true,
  "has_timer": false,
  "timer_started": 0,
  "timer_duration": 0,
  "timer_remaining": 0,
  "source": "http"

nachher: 18:38:20.857
Dauer: 68 msec phName: 'shelly-40:'Thomas Büro Licht''

scenario: 'Büro UM-schalten' - 'buero_UM' - 'buero_um'

urls : 2
vorher : 18:38:20.741
nachher: 18:38:20.863
Dauer : 125 msec
outfile: '/srv/www/viehai/shelly/log_scenarios/2024/08/03//scene_buero_UM_20240803_183820.txt'


Aug  3 18:35:01 srv4hai CRON[6040]: (root) CMD (/etc/linetest/
Aug  3 18:35:10 srv4hai auditd[579]: Audit daemon rotating log files
Aug  3 18:35:25 srv4hai postfix/anvil[5663]: statistics: max connection rate 1/60s for (smtp: at Aug  3 18:31:57
Aug  3 18:35:25 srv4hai postfix/anvil[5663]: statistics: max connection count 1 for (smtp: at Aug  3 18:31:57
Aug  3 18:35:25 srv4hai postfix/anvil[5663]: statistics: max cache size 2 at Aug  3 18:32:00
Aug  3 18:35:38 srv4hai ping_SP[10823]: SHELLY (0) - ping 1 sucessfully  @~1722702938 - 'ping_SP_0'
Aug  3 18:35:38 srv4hai ping_SP[10823]: SHELLY (0) - ping pCnt:'1'
Aug  3 18:35:40 srv4hai common[6093]: SHELLY inkludiert von ./
Aug  3 18:35:50 srv4hai bt_scan[6093]: SHELLY - who: 'Thomas' / phoneName: 'FP4_Thomas' / '0' / shellyIP: '' - found: 'No'
Aug  3 18:35:50 srv4hai bt_scan[6093]: SHELLY - lost BT-connection to BTmac: '0' found: 'No' - check presence
Aug  3 18:35:50 srv4hai common[6133]: SHELLY inkludiert von /srv/www/viehai/shelly//
Aug  3 18:35:51 srv4hai SHELLY: BTstatus[0]:'BTdweet_not_set' dweetAge:'1'=1722702951-1722702950
Aug  3 18:35:51 srv4hai check_presence[6133]: SHELLY (0) found /srv/www/viehai/shelly//meter/ping_SP_0.LIVE and BTdweet_not_set//srv/www/viehai/shelly//meter/BTscan_BTid_0.No
Aug  3 18:35:51 srv4hai check_presence[6133]: SHELLY (bt_scan)-(0) found '/srv/www/viehai/shelly//meter/ping_SP_0.LIVE' for what: 'presence'
Aug  3 18:35:51 srv4hai SHELLY: BTstatus[1]:'BTdweet_not_set' dweetAge:'1'=1722702951-1722702950
Aug  3 18:35:51 srv4hai check_presence[6133]: SHELLY (1) found /srv/www/viehai/shelly//meter/ping_SP_1.DEAD and BTdweet_not_set//srv/www/viehai/shelly//meter/BTscan_BTid_1.Yes
Aug  3 18:35:51 srv4hai SHELLY: BTstatus[2]:'BTdweet_not_set' dweetAge:'1'=1722702951-1722702950
Aug  3 18:35:51 srv4hai check_presence[6133]: SHELLY (2) found /srv/www/viehai/shelly//meter/ping_SP_2.DEAD and BTdweet_not_set//srv/www/viehai/shelly//meter/BTscan_BTid_2.No
Aug  3 18:35:51 srv4hai check_presence[6133]: SHELLY (bt_scan)-(0) what: 'presence' - persPresent: '(__/LIVE) (__/__) (__/__)' - anyPresent: 'true' - otherPresent:'false'
Aug  3 18:35:51 srv4hai check_presence[6133]: SHELLY - check 'presence': anyPresent(true) - lScene(scene_pcOFF) - sceneOFF(offAll)
Aug  3 18:35:51 srv4hai check_presence[6133]: SHELLY (bt_scan)-(0)-presence: NOT activate_scenario.shtml: offAll
Aug  3 18:36:01 srv4hai CRON[6271]: (root) CMD (/etc/linetest/
Aug  3 18:36:19 srv4hai dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=6289, secured, session=
Aug  3 18:36:19 srv4hai dovecot: imap(miglincit)<6289>: Logged out in=737 out=55354 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=58 hdr_bytes=27194 body_count=0 body_bytes=0
Aug  3 18:36:51 srv4hai ping_SP[10823]: SHELLY (0) - ping 1 sucessfully  @~1722703011 - 'ping_SP_0'
Aug  3 18:36:51 srv4hai ping_SP[10823]: SHELLY (0) - ping pCnt:'1'
Aug  3 18:37:01 srv4hai CRON[6339]: (root) CMD (/etc/linetest/
Aug  3 18:38:01 srv4hai CRON[6387]: (root) CMD (/etc/linetest/
Aug  3 18:38:05 srv4hai ping_SP[10823]: SHELLY (0) - ping 1 sucessfully  @~1722703085 - 'ping_SP_0'
Aug  3 18:38:05 srv4hai ping_SP[10823]: SHELLY (0) - ping pCnt:'1'
Aug  3 18:38:20 srv4hai activate_scenario[6424]: SHELLY scenario: 'buero_UM(buero_um)' started
Aug  3 18:38:20 srv4hai activate_scenario[6424]: SHELLY dayState='day' <--> DayTime=checked NightTime=checked - shelly-40:'Thomas Büro Licht'
